Struggling with transitioning?
Curls not coming out the way you want them to?
Are your curls dry and frizzy?
Well, I am guessing that you can relate to one of these things if you're clicking on this post. Or, maybe you just want some curly hair tips. Either way, these tips will be useful to you. I am starting this new series called #ForTheLoveOfCurls that will be everything on curly hair. Let me start out by giving you a little background story of my hair...
Growing up, my mom always had my hair done. She would do pigtails with the little hair holders that had the balls on the end.. She would slick my hair back in a half-up, half-down hairdo so tight that it would feel like I was a 6 year that just got botox. Not even kidding. I would go to the salon and get my hair blow dried and straightened. Then one day, we tried a perm on my hair. dun dun DUUUN.... Mind you I was in like 4th grade. Yeah, you can probably guess how that went. Although it only sizzled off edges into little stubble (I still had a hairline, don't worry), my hair was still pretty curly. The relaxer only softened the kinkiness of my curls by only a little bit. This is where I went wrong..
I kept getting relaxers and my hair became very dry and the curl pattern was very uneven. I would have the relaxed hair at the bottom, kinky curly new growth sprouting out of my scalp. LOVELY! I would look at my hair thinking, "What am I going to do with this??" I would straighten my hair to try and cover up the unevenness of the curls, only damaging my hair more from the heat. In 6th grade I cut my hair into a bob. (Let me remind you, my hair is naturally curly. I got my hair cut into a bob while straightened. We all know what curls do, SHRINK!) So here I am approaching 7th grade with a curly fro basically. My hair was SO short. My 7th grade year of middle school I stopped getting relaxers and never looked back.
After I stopped getting relaxers, I focused on trying to take better care of my hair. I still used heat on my hair up until about 11th grade of high school. Before that, I was coloring my hair excessively and straightening it (still trying to cover up that unevenness). Back to 11th grade.. I started trimming my hair more often and took better care of my hair. I learned to embrace my curls more than what I used to. I have always had a lot of hair and it gets so big and curly once it is dried. I took more time to focus on my hair and watch what I was putting in it, and what I was doing to it. This meant no more color, minimal heat, better hair products, and styling my hair in protective styles. Transitioning or even restoring your hair is not an overnight process. It takes patience and consistency. I have had all types of damaged and dry hair so I know how it goes.
On with the tips!
1. Be gentle
When it comes to dealing with our curls, we have to be gentle. We can't tug on our hair and be rough with it. Curls get very tangled, very easily. When you're in the shower washing your hair, try running your hair under the water (and even add some conditioner throughout your hair to help soften it). Separate your curls, starting from the bottom, with your fingers. Your fingers are the best tools because you can feel your curls and know how gentle you need to be with them, rather than raking a comb through them. After gently separating your curls, go in with a wide tooth comb and comb out the rest of your curls (again starting from the bottom and working your way up to the top). Out of the shower do the same thing. Gently separate your hair with your fingers and finger detangle.
2. Products
Now products are important, no matter what anyone says. I am not saying go out and buy a $20 shampoo and conditioner, and a $30 deep conditioner, etc. There are so many drugstore brands that work great for various hair types. You just have to find what works for you! I watch YouTube videos all the time on people's curly hair routines and there are so many different products that I see. I lean towards videos where the individual has a similar curl pattern and texture as me. So if you are unsure of what products to try out, then I would recommend finding someone who has a similar hair type and texture to you so you can get an idea how the product might work in your hair.
As I have gained more knowledge of what can be good and bad for hair, I spend more time looking at products that do not have sulfates, and parabens, and use natural ingredients. I will typically go to Walmart and Ulta for my hair products, but you can get great affordable hair products anywhere! Below will be links to all the products that I like to use in my 3C hair.
Shea Moisture Raw Shea Retention Shampoo-13 oz
I love the Shea Moisture line because they are not too expensive and for the money the products last a good while. In the shower I like to use the Shea Moisture Raw Shea Retention Shampoo. This is a small bottle compared to most drugstore shampoos BUT this bottle goes a long way. I have A LOT of hair so trust me!
Maui Moisture Nourish & Moisture + Coconut Milk Shampoo, 13 Ounce
Maui Moisture Curl Quench + Coconut Oil Conditioner, 13 Ounce
I recently purchased some products from the Maui line and I think they work great, and they are more around drugstore price in comparison to Shea Moisture. They have various shampoos, conditioners, creams, and oils depending on your hair type and needs. I picked up a shampoo and conditioner from them and I have been liking them so far.
Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Intensely Smooth Leave-In Conditioning Cream, 10.2 Fl. Oz.
The first product I like to use out of the shower when styling my hair is this leave-in. Y'all! If you have not tried this in your hair, you are missing out girl! This stuff smells UH-MAY-ZING. I use this leave-in conditioner everyday when I style my hair because it smells so good and helps to really moisturize my hair before I even put in my other products. It helps my curls look so shiny and soft, too. I like to run this through my hair from roots to tips making sure that the product is combed through my curls. I highly recommend using this product in your hair first.
Shea Moisture Coconut and Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie, 12 oz.
Maui Moisture Quench + Coconut Oil Curl Smoothie, 12 Ounce
I have been using the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie since high school people, high school! I am now 21 years old. This is my *sings* right hand, its my go-to! I do not use any gel so the Curl Enhancing Smoothie is what I like to use after my leave-in because it moisturizes my hair and helps hold my curls while still keeping them soft. This bottle usually will last me a few months because it is such a thick styler that I do not need to use a lot. I also recently bought the Maui Moisture Quench & Coconut Oil Curl Smoothie after running out of my Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, and I am loving it! The only difference between the two is that the Shea Moisture product is thicker and has a stronger hold on my curls. The Maui is cheaper than the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie so it is a great alternative if you are interested in this type of styler.
3. Deep Condition
Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle Moist Deeeeep Liquid Conditioner - 8 oz.
Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol 20 oz
Garden of Life Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - Unrefined Cold Pressed Coconut Oil for Hair, Skin and Cooking, 14 Ounce
The three products above are products that I like to use to deep condition. They are affordable and easy to use. Like the Curl Enhancing Smoothie, I have been using the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle since high school and I love it! I usually get a bottle for about $4-$5 at Walmart. In the shower, I will use this product after shampooing. I run it through my hair and just let it soak in as I continue showering. I still use regular conditioner afterwards. The Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol is a very thick cream that I like to use in my hair in the shower also. If I do not have the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle or if my hair is just SUPER dry, I will use this instead. I will do the same thing by putting this all throughout my hair and letting it soak in. It might sound and look weird, but this stuff is GREAT and it smells good too. Coconut oil is also a great product to use because you can use this everyday in your hair if you need some extra moisturizing or use it on days that you need to deep condition. I like to massage this into my scalp for about 10 minutes or more. I will then let it sit in my hair while I do things around the house. Sometimes I even sleep in it! I will wash it out really good with shampoo and conditioner and it leaves my hair shiny and moisturized.
4. Moisturize
Make sure that you are moisturizing your hair EVERY DAY even if you're putting your hair up. I always moisturize my hair no matter what style I am doing. It is important to keep your hair moisturized to help prevent breakage, especially in the hot summer and cold winter. I will just use a spray bottle with water, my leave-in, and my styling cream to moisturize my hair.
5. Cut out that heat, girl!
This is one of the biggest tips that I have for curly haired chicas! YOU HAVE TO CUT OUT THAT HEAT. I never realized how damaging heat was until I actually stopped using it as much and saw my hair growing in curlier. It is really hard to revert back from heat damage so it is important to give your hair a break every once in awhile. Some people will say to cut out damage completely, but as long as you use heat in moderation you will be good. I straighten my hair about 2-3 times a year and I usually have it straight for a week. So that is three weeks out the year. Once you get comfortable with your natural hair and want to get those curls back, you will not want to put heat on it.
6. Say goodbye to those dead ends
This is the second biggest tip that I can give. You cannot keep holding on to those dead, split ends. You have to let those things go girl! I always tell people don't do a big chop if it is not needed. Now, if that is what you want to do then go ahead but I know most people want to try and keep the length that they have. I suggest slowly cutting off any color or damage if possible. For me, the color that I have is what I am trying to cut off to help make my curls healthier than what they are. Every few months I will trim off about an inch or an inch and a half. I find this method to be good because I do not want to chop all of my hair off (that would be a lot because of where my color begins), but it still helps my hair to be healthy and get rid of some of those dead ends.
Those are my top 6 tips that I have for you all that will help you get those curls back! Our curls are so delicate and need attention so make sure you're not neglecting them. I hope that you guys enjoyed these tips and if you have any questions just leave me a comment or message me!
FTC: This post contains referral links through Amazon. All opinions are mine.