Okay, let's face it. We all get a little lazy, especially during the summer time. For most of us, we see summer as a relief from all things related to school (which can be a lot). Even though it's summer, don't waste your time laying around or missing out on opportunites!
1. Wake up at a decent time
You're probably thinking, what?? It's summer why can't I just sleep my life away? During the summer we might have jobs, summer classes, etc. If you have more time in the mornings before work or class, take the initiative to wake up a little early so you can have time for yourself before jumping out of bed to go get ready for work or class. I love waking up early because I feel like I can make more time to catch up on a book I am reading, work towards any goals, or just enjoy the morning beauty.
2. Use a planner or some sort of to-do list
Even though I don't have loads of work to do over the summer, I still like to make a to-do list or write down anything in my planner that I need to plan out for the week. I think it is important to do this so you have some sort of tasks to tackle for the day. The tasks don't have to be big every day, it could be as little as "clean bathroom", or "wash clothes", etc. I love making to-do lists because I can visualize a list of what I need to do for the day and if I need to get a lot of stuff done then I can plan my day better.
3. Get out of the house
Use the time that you have during the summer to get out and go places with friends, family, etc. Visit places that you've never been. I like to visit new restaurants, shops, etc. One thing that I want to do before the summer is over is go hiking at this place near my school. Just find things to do throughout the week whenever you have some free time so you can enjoy life and all of its experiences that it brings. Don't sit in the house all day binge watching Netflix, and scrolling through your Instagram feed for 2 hours over and over. You will look back and see how much time you wasted over the summer.
4. Work on goals
So this is a biggie. During the regular semesters, we spend so much time studying, going to class, and juggling so many other things. Last semester I was taking 16 credits (I had a 1 credit class that legit felt like a 4 credit class with the amount of work I had to do), and working during the times that I didn't have class. When I got off from work I would go straight to class. I had no time to really sit down and think of ways to achieve any goals that I had. I was just taking everything day-by-day. Now that summer has rolled around, I have really sat down and made time for blogging. I wanted to do this so bad last semester but time just wouldn't allow. Now that I have gotten into the habit of writing and posting, I know that I will make time for it during the fall semester. Another goal of mine that I have been working on is reading. I used to LOVE to read until reading became an obligation and I was forced to read books that I didn't like. I gave myself a goal to read a book or two every month. This gives me something to do in my free time that is enjoyable. So, work on any goals that you didn't have time for during the regular school semesters. Don't keep pushing them to the side.
5. Get fit
In reality, we all want to workout and get fit but sometimes our schedules just don't allow it. Summer is a great time to get in the habit of working out and to make it a priority. Summer is a great time to start a habit for the future. If you know you are going to have earlier morning classes this upcoming semester, try waking up early to get your body used to getting up and going to the gym. When the semester comes around, you will be used to waking up early and it will be easier for you to make that trip to the gym.
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