travel must-haves!

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     Traveling can put you into a bit of a frenzy when thinking of everything that you need, without forgetting it in the end. Now, we all know half of the stuff we bring definitely doesn't need to come with us but... today I am going to show you my must-haves for when I travel!

     Whether we are serious techies or not, we all use tech devices and accessories. I always carry my Sudio Vasa Blå headphones because they're super cute and practical. I don't have to worry about the annoying cord that so graciously comes along with regular earbuds. The Sudio headphones are wireless and also has five other earbud sizes to fit perfectly to your ear! This is great for when you're walking through check-in in the airport, when you're on a plane, or when you're even in the car and don't want to be bothered with the bothersome cord that other earbuds come with. I also like to bring my camera with me so I can take pictures or vlog while I am out and about. I use the Sony a5000 mirrorless camera for both my blog and YouTube. Now everyone doesn't have a camera so you can just use your phone! And of course, we all need our chargers for our many electronics because let's be honest.. we can't live without them. So make sure you pack all of your chargers to keep your devices juiced up. I also like to carry a portable charger around with me because sometimes when you're in big crowds or out for a long time, your battery starts to die and there's not always access to an outlet. This is when a portable charger is my LIFESAVER. I picked mine up from the register line at Old Navy but you can honestly get them anywhere; even the Target $1 aisle.

     No matter where you're traveling, it's always important to keep some snacks and beverages on hand. You never know when you might have a layover for a flight, might be out exploring longer than you expected, or trapped in a snow blizzard. You just never know, ok. Personally, I love granola bars and nuts because they fill you up enough to hold you over until you can eat a bigger meal. I mean who doesn't like sweet and salty flavors? Having a water bottle is also important because you want to stay hydrated when traveling because it can get pretty draining. Pro tip for those traveling by plane: empty out one of your nice drinking cups with a lid and bring it along with you. TSA won't check in liquids, but if your cup is empty you can bring it in and fill up your bottle at a water fountain once you pass security! 

     Okay ladies, I know... there are just too many hygiene products that we use that sometimes it can be overwhelming. Just remember that you are traveling and you don't need to bring your whole bathroom along with you in the car or on the plane. Bring what you absolutely need until you can make it to the hotel or destination. Some hygiene products that I bring along with me are hand sanitizer (can't be dancing with those germs), lotion (for those ashy hands that you've washed 10 times in the last 30 minutes), facial spray, toothbrush and toothpaste, and makeup remover wipes. My favorite facial spray is the Mario Badescu Facial Spray. I have used the rose water and the cucumber one. They are amazing! Whether you wear makeup or not. They seriously leave your face feeling so fresh and hydrated. Makeup remover wipes are great for if you had on makeup and just feel gross after traveling, and want to take it off. I hate wearing makeup for too long and not having any way to take it off. 

     Did I just say fashion necessities? Yup, that's right! I always make sure that I bring a light jacket (or even a blanket) when traveling because I tend to get cold very easily, especially in the car and plane. It's always nice to be prepared for any temperatures and you can always take off the jacket if needed. I also recommend bringing a pair of your favorite sunnies and a hat. If you're anything like me, you go get ready, look in the mirror and see the mess on top of your head called hair. When you are in that 'ain't nobody got time for that' mood you can just throw on a cute hat and cover up that mess girl! I'm all about saving time and effort. The same goes for sunglasses. You can throw on a pair of cute sunnies and cover up those jetlag [designer] bags. They're also a great thing to have when you're napping in the car, on the plane, or even at the airport.

     Raise your hand if you travel without any source of entertainment. If you raised your hand 1. you are crazy and 2. that's a lie because you know you have your cell phone in the palm of your hands girlfriend! I always make sure I bring along a good book to read or have some songs downloaded on my Spotify to listen to (make sure you download your music before getting on the plane so you can listen to your music on airplane mode). If you are interested in what I listen to you can follow my Spotify! Puzzle books are also fun to bring with you and you can even play them with other people you are traveling with.

     If you're anything like me, you are that lucky passenger who gets car/motion sickness. Woohoo, welcome to the club! It's not as fun as it sounds (trust me)... I used to just be a champ and endure being uncomfortable from the symptoms that come along with car/motion sickness, but I became wiser and went into my 'ain't nobody got time for that attitude' and bought some Dramamine. 10/10 recommend, as long as you aren't driving because it will KNOCK. YOU. OUT! If you're just riding as a passenger, then definitely take this and you will be knocked out the whole way. I kid you not. I took Dramamine when I went to New Orleans and slept the whole 9 hours! Another medicinal necessity is pain medicine so when you get those headaches you can have something to help out the pain. 

Those are my must-haves when traveling by car or on a plane. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post! Comment down below and share some of your must-haves when traveling :) 
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