With exams coming up soon for most of us, I wanted to share some tips on how to successfully prepare for your exams. These are tips that I have found helpful to myself throughout college and might be helpful for you!

1. Complete and study guides that are provided
If your professors are generous, they might give out a study guide for your tests or final. I have gotten study guides for every test that I have had throughout this semester for two of my classes. I am also receiving study guides for my final is really nice! Use these study guides as a way to help you focus on the most important information while studying. I appreciate when professors give out study guides because it gives structure to your studying instead of being overwhelmed by not knowing what information to focus on. So use study guides if they are provided!
2. Review notes
Not all professors will give out a study guide so this is where you have to do things a little different. Review any notes that you have taken in class throughout the semester so you can refresh your mind on the information that you have already learned.
3. Retake online quizzes/homework
I have been using Pearson Revel this semester, for two of my classes, where I can access my online book and take chapter quizzes. The good thing about Revel is that I can go back and look at my quizzes to review them after I have completed them. This helps because you can go back and remake your quizzes on Google Docs or Word, and retake them to make sure you remember the information. One of my professors actually provides a typed up version of our online quizzes as a way for us to study for our test. (She's an awesome professor!)
4. Make flashcards/Quizlet
If you're anything like me, then flashcards and Quizlets are lifesavers! I am a visual learner and seeing information on a flashcard is really helpful in remembering information. You can quiz yourself without seeing the answer right below the question like you would on a typed up study guide. If you're unsure about what the answer is, you can always put it to the side and review that flashcard until you remember the answer.
5. Review in sections
Let's face it... no one like taking finals but it is inevitable in college (unless you get lucky enough to be able to exempt your final). Waiting a couple of days before your exam to start studying is a big NO NO. Studying in sections will help you out a lot! Give yourself sections, or chapters, to study each day so that you are not cramming at the last minute. Cramming only causes stress and it can be avoided if you start studying in advance.
Download the free exam schedule printable below:
Save the file by right clicking on the image.
Were these tips helpful to you? What are some of your favorite studying techniques or tips for finals?