Tips For Choosing Your College Classes

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Choosing your classes can sometimes be overwhelming if you're an incoming freshman or a returning student. When picking your classes for the semester be sure to follow some of these steps to ensure that you get the classes that fit you and your needs. 

Tip 1: Rate My Professor
      Rate My Professor is such a great website to give insight on what you're getting yourself into. Rate My Professor will help see ratings of professors and also see feedback from previous students. Sometimes you can see whether you will need a book a book or not, the type of assignments that will be expected, and sometimes the teaching style of the professor. These are all important because everyone learns differently and I like to know what kind of assignments I will be having. Some classes might have a pop quiz every class, or the class might only have 3 tests and a final, etc. It is good to know what you're getting yourself into before registering for a course. I will look at the classes that I need to take, look at the classes and professors offered at my university, and then look each professor up on Rate My Professor that would best fit in my schedule with my other classes. 

Tip 2: University's Grade Distribution 
      Some universities offer grade distributions online. This shows the different percentages of grades that students received from professors from the previous semester. It will have a chart and have grades A-F, below that will be the percentage that students got for each grade category. This is another helpful tool in figuring out what type of class and professor you will have. Now, if 85% of the class got an A in the class you can't expect the same if you're not putting in the work for it. This just shows that the class is not super impossible to obtain an A. This goes for Rate My Professor also. 

Tip 3: Scheduling Classes 
      Scheduling your classes are very important. 15 credit hours is about the normal amount of credits students take each semester. Some have to take more or less depending on the number of classes that they need. If you are a student who is taking 6 to 7 classes in a semester, it would be best to break your classes up and not take them back to back. Here's why... If you are taking classes back to back you will burn out, have no time to study, or grab some lunch. Classes usually have a 15-minute break in between and if you're walking around campus to different buildings it can be impossible to do anything but walk to class. I like to break up my classes if I can so I can have time to sit down and study some more before a test, finish an assignment, to eat some lunch, or to just relax. Also, space out your classes each day if your schedule allows it. Instead of taking four classes in one day back to back, try and take three on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and three on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (Ya see what I'm sayin'?) 

Tip 4: Take Classes That Interest You 
      There are so many classes that you can take within your major. With that being said, find classes that stick out to you that you would enjoy taking. Not only will the course satisfy that credit that you need, it will also be something that you look forward to learning. When I sign up for classes I will look at the descriptions of the courses that are provided on the registration site and see what interests me the most. I will also ask other people in my major if they have taken it to see if I can get a better idea of what the course is like. 

Don't let registering for classes overwhelm you. Just be smart when choosing your classes and do your research! Hope these tips help. If you have any other questions about choosing college classes send me an email or message me on my social media :) 

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